Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Angry Loner's Netflix® Haiku of the Week

Every Wednesday, I recommend a movie that I missed in the theater but ended up being worth a spot in my Netflix® queue.

Since I wholeheartedly agree with Shakespeare's axiom that brevity is the soul of wit, all of my reviews are submitted in haiku form. Without further adieu, here's today's pick:

District 9 (Sci-Fi/Action, 2009)

Like Pan's Labyrinth
Breathtaking special effects
But what a downer

NOTE: While I receive no compensation for endorsing Netflix®, I believe they provide an excellent service at a reasonable price. And I appreciate that. Especially in this economy...

1 comment:

  1. I dont like this as a review but I do appreciate it as a haiku. theres just something I dont like about District
