Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Elementary School Performs _Scarface_

I couldn't wait for the next installment of "Viral Sickness" to get this clip up on my site. It is simply too funny. Whoever adapted Scarface for the elementary school crowd really captured all of the subtle nuances in Oliver Stone's original screenplay...

I'm not sure what school supported this idea but I suspect that the Max Fischer Players were somehow involved.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Angry Loner's Viral Sickness

Every weekend, I scour the internets to find and post what I deem to be the "sickest" viral video on the web. Think of it as a condensed, 21st Century version of America's Home Videos, without the studio audience.

I cast a wide net this week and hauled in a number of choice viral videos.

Fresh off his Zombieland cameo, we saw Bill Murray tending bar at the SXSW Festival.

As well as the latest offering from the brilliant web comic Cyanide & Happiness, featuring the continuing adventures of an animated barbershop quartet.

Today's finalists both hail from the nation of Japan, home to so many bizarrely entertaining internet clips. I'm affectionately calling today's runner-up "Panda Follies." It contains what appears to be a spot-on ursine imitation of "Star Wars Kid."

However, this week's champion proved to be unstoppable. Videos don't get much stranger than this:

I don't know what they're selling but I'm not buying it!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Angry Loner's Netflix® Haiku of the Week

Every Wednesday, I recommend a movie that I missed in the theater but ended up being worth a spot in my Netflix® queue.

Since I wholeheartedly agree with Shakespeare's axiom that brevity is the soul of wit, all of my reviews are submitted in haiku form. Without further adieu, here's today's pick:

Capitalism: A Love Story (Journalism/Editorial, 2009)

Michael Moore is back
Confronting Wall Street fat cats
And corporate crooks

NOTE: While I receive no compensation for endorsing Netflix®, I believe they provide an excellent service at a reasonable price. And I appreciate that. Especially in this economy...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Angry Loner's Viral Sickness

Every weekend, I scour the internets to find and post what I deem to be the "sickest" viral video on the web. Think of it as a condensed, 21st Century version of America's Home Videos, without the studio audience.

It was slim pickins' this week in the world of online video. But that doesn't mean there weren't a few that were well worth watching.

We can always count on The Onion for quality, short-format entertainment and this scathing satire skewering the 24 hour news cycle is certainly no exception.

And, because I strongly believe that Zooey Deschanel is the most beautiful woman in Hollywood (as well as a very talented singer), I thoroughly enjoyed the latest She & Him video. Its production value, especially art direction and wardrobe, are exceptional. I also highly recommend their latest album, Volume Two.

However, nothing beat this montage featuring living legend Bob Barker. While I admit that some of Barker's remarks are borderline at best, what's the point of hosting your own game show if you can't flirt with the occasional, "pretty little" contestant?

Until next time, this is Angry Loner reminding you to help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Angry Loner's Netflix® Haiku of the Week

Every Wednesday, I recommend a movie that I missed in the theater but ended up being worth a spot in my Netflix® queue.

Since I wholeheartedly agree with Shakespeare's axiom that brevity is the soul of wit, all of my reviews are submitted in haiku form. Without further adieu, here's today's pick:

Dead Snow (Horror/Comedy, 2009)

Like Evil Dead with
Norwegian Zombie Nazis
But no Bruce Campbell

NOTE: While I receive no compensation for endorsing Netflix®, I believe they provide an excellent service at a reasonable price. And I appreciate that. Especially in this economy...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Angry Loner's Viral Sickness

Every weekend, I scour the internets to find and post what I deem to be the "sickest" viral video on the web. Think of it as a condensed, 21st Century version of America's Home Videos, without the studio audience.

I had to slog through a lot of vapid videos this week, but luckily, there were a few veritable diamonds to be found amidst the rough.

For instance, I had the good fortune of stumbling upon this jaw-dropping footage of Lost's Michael Emerson (who plays Ben Linus) starring in a 1992 prison orientation video. As you can see, he was just as creepy then as he is now.

Today's runner-up, and it was a very close race, goes to "Symphony of Science;" a clever and inspiring mash-up of quotes by famous scientists (Hawking, Sagan and Neil Degrassi Tyson, to name a few) enhanced with trinoids voice-effect and played over a Postal Service-esque beat.

In the end, however, this "Zoobooks" re-dub was just too funny to resist. What can I say? I'm a sucker for irreverent takes on my old, childhood favorites:

The narrator's voice sounds suspiciously like Bruce from Family Guy.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Rival Spring Picks

Apparently the California sun has caused my friend here to omit a few choice picks. So for my first collaborative contribution let me present the following in no particular order:

Under the Great White Northern Lights. Making some indie rounds but basically straight to video.

Repo Men. Minority Report meets Johnny Mnemonic meets... well you know. Not to be confused with the classic but hey, it stars Jude Law, Forrest Whitaker, Liev Shrieber and RZA. Too good to be true?

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I dont know whats it about. Just trusting the Swedes on this one.

Greenberg aka Reality Bites II by the guy that brought us the Squid and the Whale. I think he needs work on naming his movies.

Iron Man 2 is also my #1 pick. Happy watching.

Yours Truly,

Coup Deville

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Angry Loner's Netflix® Haiku of the Week

Every Wednesday, I recommend a movie that I missed in the theater but ended up being worth a spot in my Netflix® queue.

Since I wholeheartedly agree with Shakespeare's axiom that brevity is the soul of wit, all of my reviews are submitted in haiku form. Without further adieu, here's today's pick:

Breach (Drama/Spy Thriller, 2007)

Chris Cooper turns in
A bone-chilling performance
As Robert Hanssen

NOTE: While I receive no compensation for endorsing Netflix®, I believe they provide an excellent service at a reasonable price. And I appreciate that. Especially in this economy...